March 2015: Day 1 of the Minimalist Month

Good morning fellow bloggers! 

It’s a new month. Welcome to March!

March is of course Minimalist Month! This month I’m decluttering my life, making a really conscious effort to get rid of all the junk and unnecessary stuff I have in my life. That sounds more psychological and self-discovery-quest than it is meant to. I am undertaking a purge of material things, like:

  • Clothes that no longer fit, or I no longer like, or haven’t worn for years;
  • Shoes that are uncomfortable, or that I haven’t worn, or are too small;
  • Books that I’ve read that can go to the second hand bookshop;
  • Books that I bought for my PGCE/CELTA and no longer need (that can’t be used at work);
  • DVDS, CDs and games I don’t play or watch or listen to;
  • Old electronics, like personal CD players and broken iPods;
  • Makeup that I’ve held onto because it was expensive or my favourite and I bought in first year of uni;
  • Food! Which means clearing out the pantry and the freezer;
  • And I might even be able to tackle the two containers full of all our old junk!

Today is Day One! I took it quite easy.

For breakfast I usually am a bit of a fussy eater. I’ll go all in with one thing, eat it for two weeks straight, then get bored of it and move onto something else. This is the case with muesli. I know some people call it rabbit food, but I can’t think of anything worse than munching on soggy papery cornflakes! Muesli is ram-packed full of sugar though, and they always seem to chuck massive whole Brazil nuts in and that’s always a surprise when you take a bite. We have so much muesli at home – in containers, boxes, and from a Graze breakfast subscription. I found a recipe in a Nigella book to make ‘breakfast bars’ – using muesli, raisins, whatever else I could find, and some condensed milk. This was when we discovered we had a very cheeky mouse that had eaten through various packs of mixed dried fruit and cous cous and what-have-you in the magic corner. I found some blueberries, thought mmm these might be nice, blueberries are meant to be good for you! So I whacked them in my mix and ruined a bunch of nice breakfast bars with a horrible acidic almost fermented blueberry taste.

The bars have lived in a box in the kitchen for a while now. I have eaten half of them (with Greek yogurt they’re about edible!) but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat the rest.

Day 1 March Minimalist

Day 1 of the Minimalist March Challenge! Granola/breakfast bars that nobody was eating.


So there you go – Day One of Minimalist Month: I threw out a culinary experiment that went awry!

Check back tomorrow to see what else I’ll have expunged from my life! And see how many more words I can think of to replace ‘declutter’, ‘get rid of’, ‘chuck out’…

